the SINGAPOREAN PIE band camp.overall, my comment about band camp is.FUN.peace yo!
1st DAYokay, i shall admit that i was feeling very confused and worried and gave people that "stern"look. sorry cos my mind was troubled.well, i was told about my EX kindergarten being washed away by the hot mud flood in indon. I tried to reach my friends there but i couldnt. so you know, when that happens, all the worst that could happen to them stir inside my mind.i really didnt know what to do...feeling heavy, exhausted with the auditions, i finally gave in. the first person i shared my feelings with.veronica.well, slightly better!(: and i forgot to bring my rosary! sheesh! okay.i decided not to be that way throughout the whole camp cos that would just make my life worse during the camp right? heehee.
GAMES time...the TRUST game, everybody was blindfolded and to hold each other`s shoulder and i lead the frontman! so FUN to "bully"them! HAHAHAH! i ordered them to hop like a kangooroo, squad down like a toad, bang the walls and all that. F.U.N! :D
2nd DAYNIGHT ACTIVITY was ultimate.I found myself getting along well with the comm. hahah! beatrice, Alyssa and me were assigned to stay and wait for the people on the forth level, my classroom. no fan or lights were allowed to be switched on and yes. SCARY for us but unfortunately, not for the members. we had BRAVE members sia! HAHAH! it seemed scary at first but once you went inside, its like... you wont feel scared anymore. haha and then super and we watched the
PRINCE OF EGYPT! whaaa, its sooo nice, but too bad, i fell asleep in the middle of the show. too tired.and i think i shall not be enjoying myself too much when my friends out there are suffering, dont you think so?
3rd DAYsound check in the hall. okay, tiring. evrybody looked frustrated and tired and all that. i think the weather plays a part on this too! like shit.DEFORESTATION i tell you!
anyway, here`s some COOL SHOTS taken!(: