school was HEAVY today. 2 periods of am, 2 priods of GEOG, 2 periods of ss, 2 periods of history. im dying.honestly.
accompanied with cca and art project.wooo, fels` head is burstin anytime soon. so mikell and me decided to cheat for our project.we`re gonna use 7.2 megapix.cameras for the photoshoot. cos seriously, NO TIME! but not to worry, cos we`re trying 2 pictures with the low mega-pix cams. so, its all about integrity.we`re good people.
shannen`s photoshoot tmrw... excited yet confused. i think natural lightings are nice and less "burning" so it will be fine.
band today was fun. veronica monica me. and guess what...
WE HAVE 0 JUNIORS! bad thing, YET GOOD! cos we have alooot of members already and they wont have anything to play if there`re too many percs.
oh yes, perc t-shirt.raaaah...nvm, at least we have arty farty ppl in our section!:D
duh, im looking forward for self-awareness camp!whoohooo and chinese new year! DOH! MONEYMONEYMONEY!!$$$$$$
im bored.